HiddenWorldz : Progress Updates

Hidden Worldz
2 min readSep 8, 2021


User Interface

Hidden Worldz (HW) team is glad to share the project updates:

1) Staking: Hidden Worldz NFTs Staking system is now ready. Testing and staking mechanism validations are under progress.

2) Whitelisting: We are ready with the whitelisting requirements; we will initiate the process after the completion of staking testing.

3) Promo Drops:
• Promo drops will be started from next week. There will be 7 promo drops in total, user with any 5 promos will be eligible for promos collection reward.
• Link for promo drops will only be shared on telegram group 30 mins before the drop.
• Promos will be stakeable but for minimal value. However, will not have any use case in the game. Staking will start after dropping all the promos .

4)Discord: We are ready with the discord server, releasing the server soon.

5) Whitelisting Pass: We are releasing 2000 whitelisting passes on 11th Sep 21 , out of which first 1000 will be airdropped to the following WAX addresses:
• 200 Early joiners
• Balance 200 applicants who registered for early joiner reward.
• New participants on first come first serve basis, Link for whitelist pass registration:


• Remaining 1000 whitelisting passes will be via primary market.

6) What else, huh…: We have carefully examined and analyzed current situation of the gaming projects. Mining supply and demand issues, volume concerns, use case scenarios, Return on investments (ROI) etc.
We have factored in all the issues and will launch the system considering ROIs on consistent basis. Further details will be released at a right time.

7) User Interface: Check out the user Interface with test NFTS, Suggestions and feedback are most welcome.




Hidden Worldz
Hidden Worldz

Written by Hidden Worldz

Hidden Worldz is a collection of digital trading NFTs, which facilitates the users to invade, explore and conquer the "Hidden Worldz"

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